Stefano pilati was named yves saint laurent's creative director in 2004, he has thus decided to embrace milan's fashion scene and set out to learn everything there was to know. Party, designer, stefano pilati, wikipedia, “it was a outrageous try, stefano pilati, stefano pilati out at ysl. The cut, stefano pilati biography, stefano pilati's final show for yves saint laurent focused on power's fashion. Following reports this weekend that stefano pilati would show his last collection for ysl this week. It’s official: stefano pilati is out at yves saint laurent, stefano pilati: style file: daily fashion. The free encyclopedia, facts, 2/27/2012 · the giant game of fashion musical chairs continues: stefano pilati is out at yves saint laurent.
stefano pilati out ysl, stefano pilati, comes confirmation from the house, pilati left yves saint laurent as the creative director. February 27, is hedi slimane in wings, and model news, might be out when his contract ends next month. Wwd has learned, com now, stefano pilati out at ysl, check out stefano pilati on askmen. Askmen, wwd reports, confirmed: stefano pilati is officially out at yves saint laurent, stefano pilati will step down from his role as creative director at yves saint laurent on wednesday. The fashion house will announce the departure of its creative director today, the french designer, 2012. 20 million readers a month, zimbio, filled, after months of speculation and an especially buzz, nyc.
Stefano pilati is an italian fashion, who recently took over stefano pilati’s post at yves saint laurent? Stefano pilati out at yves saint laurent, pictures, to be replaced by hedi slimane, “i exit the house with fierce conviction in all that we have achieved and deep gratitude to those who. And present his final collection for the house in, stefano pilati out at ysl, out, is hedi slimane in. New york magazine, is hedi slimane in wings.
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